
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ĭn-exsŭpĕrābĭlis (inexup-), e, adj., that cannot be crossed or passed over, insurmountable (a favorite word with Livy).

I Lit.: Alpes, Liv. 5, 34, 6: ripa, id. 44, 35, 8: serrae, id. 21, 30, 7: manu, Vell. 2, 32, 4; cf. id. 2, 120, 2.— Comp. : inexsuperabilior saltus fuit, Liv. 36, 17, 3.—

II Trop.: vis fati, unconquerable , invincible , Liv. 8, 7, 8: bonum, unsurpassable , Sen. Ep. 85.— Plur. as subst.: inexsuperabilibus vim afferre, to overcome impossibilities , Liv. 38, 20, 8.

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  • inexsuperabilis

    in-exsuperābilis (inexup-) e, adj.with comp, not to be crossed, insurmountable: Alpes, L.: ripa, L....

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