
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

inflātĭo, ōnis, f. [inflo], a blowing itself up, swelling up.

I Lit., of boiling water, Vitr. 8, 3.—

II Transf., of the body; med. t. t., a swelling or puffing up , inflation , flatulence : habet inflationem magnam is cibus (faba), produces flatulence , Cic. Div. 1, 30, 62: inflationem stomachi facit, Col. 12, 11, 2; Cels. 2, 26: mala dulcia inflationes pariunt, Plin. 23, 6, 57, § 106: inflationes discutere, id. 23, 4, 4, § 128: inflationem sedare, id. 23, 4, 40, § 81: in nostris corporibus ex cibo fit inflatio, Sen. Q. N. 5, 4.— *

B An inflammation , i. q. inflammatio: praecordiorum, Suet. Aug. 81; Cael. Aur. Tard. 1, 4, 104.

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