
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

infŭla, ae, f. [cf. Sanscr. bhāla, brow; Gr. φάλος, φάλαρα], a band, bandage.

I In gen.: in infulis tantam rem depingere, Cic. de Or. 3, 21, 81.—

II In partic., a white and red fillet or band of woollen stuff , worn upon the forehead , as a sign of religious consecration and of inviolability , a sacred fillet; so a priest’s fillet : sacerdotes Cereris cum infulis, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 50, § 110: Phoebi Triviaeque sacerdos, Infula cui sacrā redimibat tempora vittā, Verg. A. 10, 538: cujus sacerdotii (i. e. fratrum arvalium) insigne est spicea corona et infulae albae, Sabin. ap. Gell. 7, 7, 8.—Hence, meton., a priest , Prud. Apoth. 486.—Of the victim’s fillet (whether beast or man): saepe in honore deum medio stans hostia ad aram, Lanea dum niveā circumdatur infula vittā, Verg. G. 3, 487: infula virgineos circumdata comptus (of Iphigenia), Lucr. 1, 87.— Of the fillet worn by a suppliant for protection : velata infulis ramisque oleae Carthaginiensium navis, Liv. 30, 36, 4: velamenta et infulas praeferentes, Tac. H. 1, 66: hae litterae (philosophy) apud mediocriter malos infularum loco sunt, held in awe , Sen. Ep. 14, 10: ipsas miserias infularum loco habet, i. e. his wretchedness claims reverence , id. ad Helv. 13, 4. —

B Transf., an ornament , mark of distinction , badge of honor : his insignibus atque infulis imperii venditis (said of the lands belonging to the state), Cic. Agr. 1, 2, 6.— The insignia of an office : honorum, Cod. Just. 7, 63, 1: infulae imperiales, id. tit. 37 fin. — Hence, for the office itself, Spart. Hadr. 6.— Ornaments of houses and temples , i. e. carved work , etc., Luc. 2, 355.

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