
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

in-sensĭbĭlis, e, adj., that cannot be felt, insensible, imperceptible (post-class.).

I Pass. : morbus, Ser. Samm. 3, 2. — As subst.: insensĭbĭlĭa , ium, n., things of no account , Lact. 2, 2, 17; 2, 5, 1.—

β Things imperceptible , Apul. Asclep. 19, p. 87. —

B Trop., incomprehensible : inenarrabile esse ait, et propemodum insensibile, Gell. 17, 10, 17.—

II Act. , that cannot feel , insensible , senseless : simulacra, Lact. 6, 13 fin. : deus, id. 7, 3, 7; 4, 1, 2 al.—Adv.: insensĭbĭlĭter , insensibly , Cassiod.