
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

inter-jăcĭo and interjacĭo, jēci, jectum (in tmesi:

I inter enim jecta est, Lucr. 3, 859), 3, v. a. [jacio], to throw or cast between; to set , place , or put between; to join or add to , to intermix (class., most freq. in the part. pass. ): legionarias cohortes, Caes. B. C. 1, 73: pleraque sermone Latino, Tac. A. 2, 10: id interjecit inter individuum, atque id, quod, etc., Cic. Univ. 7: preces ct minas, Tac. A. 1, 23: moram, id. H. 3, 81. — Hence, interjectus , a, um, Part., thrown or placed between; interposed , interspersed , intervening , intermingled , intermediate; constr. with dat. or inter.

α With dat.: nasus oculis interjectus, Cic. N. D. 2, 57.—

β With inter : interjecti inter philosophos, et eos qui, etc., Cic. Off. 1, 26, 92: aer inter mare et caelum, id. N. D. 2, 26: inter has personas me interjectum amici moleste ferunt, id. Phil. 12, 7, 18.—

γ Absol. : quasi longo intervallo interjecto, as it were a great way off , id. Off. 1, 9: anno interjecto, after a year , id. Prov. Cons. 8: paucis interjectis diebus, after a few days , Liv. 1, 58.—

δ With Gr. acc.: erat interjecta comas, with loose , dishevelled hair , Claud. Epith. Pall. et Celer. 28 dub.—Subst.: in-terjecta , ōrum, n. plur., places lying between , interjacent places : interjecta inter Romam et Arpos, Liv. 9, 13.

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