
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

intervello, vulsi (rarely velli, v. infra), vulsum, 3,

I v. a., to pluck , pull , or pick out here and there , to lop , prune (post-Aug.).

I In partic., to pluck out here and there , to thin. —Of wings: ne ego homo infelix fui qui non alas intervelli (sc. vocis), Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 170.—Of the beard: isti, qui aut vellunt barbam, aut intervellunt, Sen. Ep. 114, 20. — Of fruit and trees, to pluck here and there , to prune : poma intervelli melius est, ut quae relicta sint, grandescant, Plin. 17, 27, 47, § 260: arbores, Col. 5, 10: semina, id. 4, 33, 3. —

II In gen., to tear out , take away : num aliquid ex illis intervelli, atque ex tempore dicendis inseri possit, Quint. 12, 9, 17: quae ita sunt natura copulata, ut mutari aut intervelli sine confusione non possint, id. 10, 7, 5.