
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

lectisternĭum, ĭi, n. [2. lectus-sterno], a feast of the gods.

I Lit., an offering in which the images of the gods, lying on pillows, were placed in the streets, and food of all kinds set before them; these banquets were prepared by the Epulones, and consumed by them, Liv. 5, 13, 6; 7, 2, 27; 8, 25; 21, 62; 22, 1; 10 et saep.; cf.: lecti sternebantur in honorem deorum, unde hoc sacrum, vel potius sacrilegium nomen accepit, Aug. C. D. 3, 17, 2; cf. also Paul. ex Fest. p. 351 Müll.—

II Transf., in the Christian age, a feast held in memory of a deceased person , or at the consecration of a chapel dedicated to him, a feast of the dead , Sid. Ep. 4, 15; Inscr. Grut. 753, 4.

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