
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

lūcū̆bro, āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and a. [lux], to work by lamp-light, work at night.

I Neutr. : (Lucretiam) deditam lanae inter lucubrantes ancillas inveniunt, Liv. 1, 57, 9: sin lucubrandum est, non post cibum id facere, sed post concoctionem, Cels. 1, 2; Plin. Ep. 3, 5, 8.—

II Act., to make by lamp-light, to compose at night : parvum opusculum lucubratum his jam contractioribus noctibus, Cic. Par. prooem. § 5: nox lucubrata, spent in work , Mart. 4, 90, 9: viam, to travel by night , Ap. Met. 6, 30, 2.

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