
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

lūnātĭcus, a, um, adj. [1. luna].

I Living on the moon : homines, Lact. 3, 23, 13.—

II = σεληνιακός, σεληνόπληκτος, epileptic, lunatic, moon-struck, crazy : mancipium, Dig. 21, 1, 43, § 6; Vulg. Matt. 4, 24; 17, 14; Acron. ad Hor. A. P. 454; App. Herb. 64, 1: oculus, that is blind at certain times, blind in moonlight , Veg. Vet. 2, 18.—As subst.: lūnātĭcus , i, m., a crazy person, lunatic : lunaticus est et male patitur, Vulg. Matt. 17, 15.