
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

mŏrētum, i, n. [from same root with mordeo, q. v.].

I A country dish composed of garlic, rue, vinegar, oil , etc., Ov. F. 4, 367.—

II Mŏrētum , i, n., the title of a small poem ascribed to Virgil; v. Heyne and Sillig in Verg. Carm. vol. iv. p. 301 sq. Wagner (acc. to Stander in Zeitschr. für Alt. Wissensch. 1853, part 4, p. 289 sq., a transl. of the Μυττωτός of Virgil's Greek teacher Parthenius).

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