
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

nĕbŭlōsus, a, um, adj. [nebula], full of mist or vapor, misty, foggy, cloudy, dark.

I Lit.: ager si nebulosus est, Cato R. R. 6: nebulosum et caliginosum caelum, Cic. Tusc. 1, 25, 60: nebulosus et roscidus aër, Plin. 21, 7, 18, § 36: exhalatio, id. 31, 3, 27, § 44: dies nebulosi nubilive, Cels. 2, 1.—

B Esp. of a fine texture, cloud-like , = νεφέλαι, nebulosa retia, Aus. Ep. 3, 5.—*

II Trop., dark, difficult to understand : nomen, Gell. 20, 3, 3.

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