
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

nōnus, a, um, adj. ord. [for novenus, from novem],

I the ninth : terra nona, Cic. Rep. 6, 18, 18: accedes opera agro nona Sabino, Hor. S. 2, 7, 118.—

II Subst.: nōna , ae, f.

A (Sc. hora.) The ninth hour of the day , i. e. the third before sunset, at which hour business was ended at Rome: post nonam venies, Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 71; Mart. 4, 8, 5.—

B (Sc. pars.) The ninth part : nonas praedae vovere, Just. 20, 3, 3.—Hence, adv.: nōnō , ninthly , Cassiod. de Anim. 12.

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