
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

nŏvercālis, e, adj. [noverca], of or belonging to a step-mother (post-class.).

I Lit.: novercales ibat venator in agros Ascanius, of Dido , Stat. S. 5, 2, 118: atque novercali sedes praelata Lavino, called after Ascanius's step-mother, Lavinia , Juv. 12, 71: Mycenae, i. e. sacred to Juno, the stepmother of Bacchus , Stat. Th. 7, 177.—

II Transf., of or like a step-mother , i. e. hostile, malevolent : novercalia odia, Tac. A. 12, 2: novercales Liviae in Agrippinam stimuli, id. ib. 1, 33: novercalibus oculis aliquem intueri, Sen. Contr. 4, 6: erat circa illum Zenobia novercali animo, Treb. Poll. XXX. Tyr. 16.

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