
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ŏb-oedĭo (better than ŏb-ēdĭo, Cic. Rep. 3, 29, 41; Front. Ep. ad Verr. 7 Mai.; id. Fer. Als. 3; cf.: oboedire, obaudire, Paul. ex Fest. p. 187 Müll. and Bramb. s. v.— Ante-class. form of the fut., oboedibo: oboedibo tibi, Afran. ap. Non. 507, 30), īvi or ĭi, ītum, īre, 4, v. n. [ob-audio].

I In gen. (very rare), to give ear, hearken, listen to one: alicui, Nep. Dat. 5, 4.—

II Esp.

A Prop., of living beings (class.).

1 To obey, yield obedience to. to be subject to, to serve (freq. and class.; cf.: pareo, obtempero, obsequor).—With dat.: parere, et oboedire praecepto, Cic. Tusc. 5, 12, 36: legi, Nep. Epam. 8, 1: voluntati, Cic. N. D. 1, 8, 19: obtemperare et oboedire magistratibus, id. Leg. 3, 2, 5: qui nobis oboediunt, id. Rep. 3, 29, 41: impulsu libidinum voluptatibus oboedientium, id. ib. 6, 26, 28: pecora ventri oboedientia, Sall. C. 1, 1: multorum oboedire tempori, Cic. Brut. 69, 242.— Impers. pass. : utrimque enixe oboeditum dictatori est, Liv. 4, 26.—

2 To be obedient in any thing (post-class.).—With acc. of neutr. pron. : atque haec omnia perfacile oboediebam, Ap. Met. 10, 17, 15.— Absol. , Suet. Calig. 29.—

B Meton., of things, to yield, be manageable : ramus oleae quam maxime sequax, atque oboediturus, yielding, flexible , Plin. 17, 19, 30, § 137.— Hence, ŏboedĭens ( ŏbēd- ), entis, P. a.

A Prop., of living beings, obedient, compliant (freq. and class.).

1 With dat.: nulli est naturae oboediens aut subjectus deus, Cic. N. D. 2, 30, 77: natio semper oboediens huic imperio, id. Pis. 34, 84: appetitum rationi oboedientem praebere, id. Off. 1, 36, 132: vivere oboedientem alicui, Sall. J. 31, 26.— Comp. : imperiis nemo oboedientior, Liv. 25, 38, 7.— Sup. : imperiis oboedientissimus miles, Liv. 7, 13, 2.—

2 With ad : ad nova consilia gentem oboedientem habere, Liv. 28, 16.—Particular phrases.

a Dicto oboedientem esse alicui for dicto audientem esse alicui, to be obedient to one's word or command : magistro desinebat esse dicto oboediens, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 35; cf.: nec plebs nobis dicto audiens atque oboediens sit, Liv. 38, 7. —

b Omnia secunda et oboedientia sunt, according to your wishes , Sall. J. 14, 19.—

3 Absol. : cujus vis omnis in consensu oboedientium esset, the obedient , Liv. 2, 59, 4.—

B Transf., of things, yielding, manageable : oboedientissima quocumque in opere fraxinus, i. e. easily wrought , Plin. 16, 43, 83, § 228.—Hence, adv.: ŏboedĭ-enter , obediently, willingly, readily (a favorite word of Livy; elsewh. very rare): conferre tributum, Liv. 5, 12: facere imperata, id. 21, 34: facere adversus aliquem, id. 39, 53.— Comp. : nihil oboedientius fecerunt, quam, etc., Liv. 38, 34.— Sup. : oboedientissime paruit, Aug. Civ. Dei, 22, 8.

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