
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ŏpŭlentĭa, ae, f. [opulens], riches, wealth, opulence (not in Cic. or Caes.).

I Lit.: habemus publice egestatem, privatim opulentiam, Sall. C. 52, 22: opulentia neglegentiam tolerabat, id. ib. 52, 9: Trojae opulentia, Verg. A. 7, 262: metallorum, Plin. 2, 93, 95, § 207.—In plur.: deos decent opulentiae et factiones, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 89; id. Bacch. 3, 4, 17: copiis atque opulentiis anteire, Gell. 20, 5, 8.—

B Transf., like opes, resources , power , of a people: invidia ex opulentiā orta est, Sall. C. 6, 3; Nep. Cim. 2, 5: Lydorum, Tac. A. 4, 55.—

II Trop., richness , etc.: linguae, Claud. Cons. Mall. Theod. 21

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