
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

pāgĭna, ae, f. [root pag-(pak-), of pango, πήγνυμι; v. pagus], a written page or leaf: paginae dictae, quod ... in illis versus panguntur, id est figuntur, Fest. p. 221 Müll.

I Lit.: cum hanc paginam tenerem, Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 3, § 10: complere paginam, id. Att. 13, 34: tantas paginas commovere, id. Fin. 4, 19, 53; Plin. 13, 12, 24, § 80: censoriarum legum paginae, id. 8, 51, 77, § 209: millesima pagina, Juv. 7, 100.— Prov.: fortuna paginam utramque facit, fills both sides of the account , confers both good and ill fortune (alluding to accountbooks, in which the receipts were written on one page and the expenses on the opposite one), Plin. 2, 7, 5, § 22.—

II Transf.

A A page , for any writing , a letter , book , etc.: varie sum affectus tuis litteris: valde priore paginā perturbatus, paulum alterā recreatus, Cic. Fam. 16, 4, 1: respondi postremae tuae paginae, id. Att. 6, 2, 3: lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba, Mart. 1, 5, 8: profana, Claud. I. Cons. Stil. 2, 301.—

B A leaf , slab : vel tabellas qualescumque marmoreas aut paginas imprimemus, Pall. 6, 11 fin. : insignis honorum, a plate on which are engraved a person's titles and honors , Juv. 10, 58.—

C In vine-dressers’ lang., four rows of vines joined together in a square , a bed or quarter , Plin. 17, 22, 35, § 169.

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