
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

părentālis, e, adj. [2. parens],

I of or belonging to parents , parental : umbrae, of my parents , Ov. Tr. 4, 10, 87.—

II In partic., of or belonging to the festival in honor of dead parents or relatives : dies, the day of the festival in honor of the dead , Ov. F. 2, 548: mos, i. e. the annually repeated combat of the birds which rose from Memnon's funeral pile , and which were therefore regarded as his children , id. M. 13, 619 (cf. id. Am. 1, 13, 4).—

B Subst.: părentālĭa , ĭum, n.

1 A festival in honor of dead relations : ut parentalia cum supplicationibus miscerentur, Cic. Phil. 1, 6, 13; Inscr. Orell. 3927; 4084.— Gen. : PARENTALIORVM, Inscr. Orell. 3999.—

2 The title of a work by Ausonius.

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