
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

pastillus, i, m. dim. [panis],

I a little loaf or roll : pastillus forma panis parvi utique deminutivum est a pane, Paul. ex Fest. p. 222 Müll.—

II Transf., medicine in the form of a round ball or cake, a lozenge , troche , trochisch , Plin. 22, 12, 14, § 29: emplastra pastillique, quos τροχίσκους Graeci vocant, Cels. 5, 17, 2; cf. id. 5, 20: sucum in sole coctum dividunt in pastillos, Plin. 13, 22, 43, § 126: digerere aliquid in pastillos, id. 12, 27, 60, § 131: in pastillos cogere, id. 20, 1, 2, § 3: densare in, id. 25, 13, 95, § 152: diluere in, id. 25, 12, 91, § 143.—Also of aromatic lozenges , used to impart an agreeable smell to the breath: pastillos Rufillus olet, Hor. S. 1, 2, 27; 1, 4, 92; Mart. 1, 88, 2.

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