
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

per-flŭo, xi, 3, v. a. and n.

I Act. , to flow or run through (post-class.): pluvialibus nimbis perfluuntur, Arn. 6, 191.—

II Neutr.

A Lit.

1 To flow or run through (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): per colum vina videmus Perfluere, Lucr. 2, 392; Petr. 23.—

2 In gen., to flow : quasi in vas commoda perfluere, Lucr. 3, 937: Belus amnis in mare perfluens, Plin. 36, 26, 65, § 190.—

b To drip with any thing (postclass.): sudore perfluere, Ap. Met. 1, 13, 1.—

c Of long garments, to flow or float (post-class.), Ap. Met. 11, 4, 5.—*

B Trop.: plenus rimarum sum: hac atque illac perfluo, I leak , i. e. I cannot keep the secret , Ter. Eun. 105.

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    An Elementary Latin Dictionary