plāno, āre, v. a. [planus],
to level , make plain , flat , even , etc. (post-class.): planate vias, Coripp. Laud. Justin. 2, 223.
·- ·see Plani-. II. Plano- ·adj Combining forms signifying flat, level, plane; as planifolious, pla...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Plane or flat on one side, and concave on the other; as, a plano-concave lens. ·see <<Lens>>. ...
·adj Plane or flat on one side, and conical on the other. ...
·adj Plane or flat on one side, and convex on the other; as, a plano-convex lens. ·see <<Convex>>, a...
·adj Having a level horizontal surface or position. ...
·adj Plane or flat on one side, and spherical on the other. ...
·adj Smooth and awl-shaped. ·see <<Subulate>>. ...