
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

plŭo, plui (or plūvi in Plaut. and Liv.; cf. Prisc. p. 881 P.; Varr. L. L. 9, § 104 Müll.), 3, v. n., usu. impers. (ante-class. and late Lat. also pers.; v. infra) [root plu-, to swim; Gr. πλύνω, to wash; cf.: πλέω, πλεύσω, to sail; cf. ploro], to rain; constr. absol., or with abl. or acc.

I Lit.: pluet credo hercle hodie, Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 42: ut multum pluverat, id. Men. prol. 63: has Graeci stellas Hyadas vocitare suerunt, a pluendo: ὕειν enim est pluere, Cic. N. D. 2, 43, 111: aqua, quae pluendo crevisset, by the rain , id. Top. 9, 38: quoties pluit, Juv. 7, 179: urceatim plovebat (vulg. for pluebat), Petr. 44, 18.—With acc.: sanguinem pluisse senatui nuntiatum est, Cic. Div. 2, 27, 58 (Klotz, sanguinem): lapides, Liv. 28, 27, 16: terram, id. 10, 33, 8; Vulg. Exod. 9, 23; 16, 4; id. Psa. 10, 7.—With abl.: lacte pluisse, rained milk , Liv. 27, 11: lapidibus, id. 35, 9; 21, 62, 5: lacte, sanguine, carne, Plin. 2, 56, 57, § 147.— Pass. : quā pluitur et ningitur, Ap. Flor. p. 340, 39.—Personally: saxis ferunt pluisse caelum, Mart. Cap. 6, § 642: effigies quae pluit, which rained , came down in rain , Plin. 2, 55, 57, § 147. —

II Transf., of other things, to rain (poet.): nec de concussā tantum pluit ilice glandis, Verg. G. 4, 81: stridentia fundae saxa pluunt, Stat. Th. 8, 416: jam bellaria adorea pluebant, id. S. 1, 6, 10.

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