
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

poplĕs, ĭtis, m.

I Lit.: the ham of the knee , the hough (cf. suffrago): genua poplitesque et crura, Col. 6, 12, 3: succisis feminibus poplitibusque, Liv. 22, 51, 7: succiso poplite, Verg. A. 9, 762; cf. Liv. 22, 48, 4; Hor. C. 3, 2, 16: elephas poplites intus flectit hominis modo, Plin. 11, 45, 101, § 248; 28, 6, 17, § 59.—

II Transf., in gen., the knee , Luc. 9, 771; Lucr. 4, 953: duplicato poplite, i. e. with bended knee , Verg. A. 12, 927: se collegit in arma poplite subsidens, id. ib. 12, 492: contento poplite, with a stiff knee , Hor. S. 2, 7, 97: nec parcit imbellis juventae Poplitibus, id. C. 3, 2, 16: poplitibus semet excipit, he sank down upon his knees , Curt. 6, 1: flexo poplite, Vulg. Judic. 7, 6.

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