
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

prae-flōro, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [flos],

I to deprive of its blossoms beforehand; only trop.

1 To lessen , diminish , tarnish (very rare, and perh. not ante-Aug.): gloriam ejus victoriae praefloratam apud Thermopylas esse, Liv. 37, 58 fin. ; cf.: decus praecerptum praefloratumque, Plin. Pan. 58: gaudii fructum, Gell. 14, 1, 36.—

2 To deflower : vidua venit jam ab alio praeflorata, Ap. Mag. p. 332, 29.

Related Words

  • praefloro

    praeflōrō —, ātus, āre prae+flos, to deflower beforehand, lessen, tarnish : gloria eius victoriae ...

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