
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

praesul, sŭlis, comm. [praesilio], one who leaps or dances before others, a dancer in public, public dancer.

I Lit. (class.), Cic. Div. 1, 26, 55; 2, 66, 136.—

B In partic., the leader of the Salii, who annually leaped and danced through the city , bearing the ancilia: fuit in eo sacerdotio (Saliorum) et praesul et vates et magister, Capitol. M. Aurel. 4.—

II Transf., in gen., a presider , president , director; a patron , protector , etc. (post-class.): agri praesul, Pall. 1, 6: fori, Sid. Ep. 4, 14: praesul creatus litteris, Aus. Ep. 4, 79; Pall. 1, 6 fin. : Angerona, diva praesul silentii, Sol. 1; Mart. Cap. 2, § 160 fin. : et Junone calent hic arae praesule semper, Avien. Perieg. 519.

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