
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

prae-vārĭcor, ātus, 1, v. dep., to walk crookedly, not to walk straight. *

I Lit.: arator praevaricatur, makes a crooked furrow , Plin. 18, 19, 49, § 179.—

II Trop.

A To walk crookedly in the discharge of one's duty , not to act uprightly; esp. of an advocate who is guilty of collusion with the opposite party, to make a sham accusation or defence , to collude , prevaricate : qui praevaricatur, ex utrāque parte consistit, quinimo ex alterā, Dig. 47, 15, 1; cf. Plin. l. c. supra: a Catilina pecuniam accepit, ut turpissime praevaricaretur, Auct. Har. Resp. 20; Plin. Ep. 3, 9, 29.—With dat., to favor collusively : interdum non defendere, sed praevaricari accusationi videbatur, Cic. Clu. 21, 58.—

B Late Lat., to transgress , sin against , violate : pactum meum, Vulg. Jos. 7, 11: contra me, id. Deut. 32, 51: legem, id. Osee, 8, 1.—Also in the form praevā-rĭco , āre: quod audivit, praevaricavit, Aug. Tract. in Joann. 99; cf. Prisc. 8, 6, 29.

Related Words

  • praevaricor

    praevāricor —, ārī, dep.* prae-varicus.— In law, to be a false advocate, collude, prevaricate . ...

    An Elementary Latin Dictionary