
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

problēma, ătis (gen. plur. problematorum, Gell. 3, 6, 1; abl. plur. problematis, id. 19, 6, 1), n.,

I = πρόβλημα, a question proposed for solution , a problem , enigma , riddle , puzzle (post-Aug.), Suet. Gram. 4: problemata φιλοσοφούμενα, Sen. Contr. 1, 3, 8: Aristotelis libri sunt, qui Problemata physica inscribuntur, Gell. 19, 4, 1: Aristoteles in septimo problematorum, id. 3, 6, 1; 2, 30, 11; App. Mag. 51: in problematis Aristotelis, Gell. 19, 6, 1: proponam vobis problema, Vulg. Judic. 14, 12.

II —Hence, problēmătĭcus , a, um, adj., = προβληματικός, problematic; as subst.: problē-matĭca , ōrum, n., problems , cases set forth as problems (the title of a medical work), Cael. Aur. Tard. 3, 3, 46.