
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

prō-gĕnĕro, āre, v. a.,

to beget , engender , generate (rare; not in Cic. or Caes.): nec imbellem feroces Progenerant aquilae columbam, Hor. C. 4, 4, 31.—Of bees: fetus, Plin. 11, 16, 16, § 46.—In pass. : qui (vituli) ex his progenerantur, Varr. L. L. 9, § 28 Müll.: si res exigit, ut plurimi mares progenerandi sint, Col. 7, 3, 12; 9, 14, 4; 6: patrueles, id est qui ex duobis fratribus progenerati sunt, Gai, Inst. 3, 10.— Absol. : ut progenerare possit, Col. 3, 10, 15.

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