
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

prōnŭbus, a, um, adj. [pro-nubo], of or belonging to marriage, bridal, promoting marriage: canes, pimps , Tert. ad Nat. 1, 2: anulus, wedding-ring , id. Apol. 6: nox, the bridal night , Claud. Cons. Honor. 642: flamma, a bridal torch , id. Rapt. Pros. 1, 131: dextra, id. Epigr. 2, 53.—Hence, as subst.

I prōnŭbus , i, m., = παράνυμφος, auspex (2. b.), the promoter of a marriage , a groomsman , Anthol. Lat. 6, 50, 2: accepit maritum suum de amicis ejus et pronubis, Vulg. Judic. 14, 20.—

II prōnŭ-ba , ae, f., a woman who attended to the necessary arrangements of a wedding on the part of the bride , a bridewoman (corresp. to the auspex on the part of the bridegroom), Varr ap. Serv. Verg. A. 4, 166; Fest. p. 242 Müll., Paul. ex Fest. p. 244 ib.; Tert. Exhort. ad Cast. 13; Cat. 61, 186; Stat. S. 1, 2, 11.—Hence, Pronuba, an epithet of Juno , the patron goddess of marriage, Verg. A. 4, 166; Ov. H. 6, 43.—Transf., of Bellona , as the presider over a marriage in which the bride is obtained by war, Verg. A. 7, 319; also, of one of the Furies , Ov. H. 2, 117; Luc. 8, 90; Ap. Met. 8, 12, 27.