
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

purpŭrārĭus, a, um, adj. [purpura].

I Of or belonging to purple , purple : officinae, manufactories of purple , Plin. 35, 6, 27, § 46: taberna, Dig. 32, 1, 89: NEGOTIATOR ARTIS PVRPVRARIAE, Inscr. Orell. 4250.—

II Substt.

Apurpŭrārĭus , ĭi, m., a purple-dyer , Inscr. Orell. 4271 and 4272.—

Bpurpŭrārĭa , ae, f.

1 A purpledye house , Inscr. Orell. 2952.—

2 A female dyer in purple , Vulg. Act. 16, 14.—

C Plur. : Purpŭrārĭae , ārum, f. (sc. insulae), two islands in the Atlantic , now Madeira and Porto Santo , Juba ap. Plin. 6, 32, 37, § 203.