
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

pūsŭla, ae, f. [another form for pustula, q. v., from pus].

I Lit.

1 Upon the skin, a blister , pimple , pustule , Cels. 5, 28, 15; Plin. 20, 6, 21, § 44; 21, 15, 55, § 93; 25, 13, 109, § 173: magis ignosco ei, qui volnus inimici quam qui pusulam concupiscit, Sen. Ira, 3, 43, 4; Mart. 14, 167, 1.—

2 Of the bubbles or blisters in bread, Paul. ex Fest. s. v. hetta, p. 99 Müll.—

II Transf., in pastoral lang., the erysipelas , St. Anthony's fire , Col. 7, 5, 16.