
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

pū̆trĕfăcĭo, fēci, factum, 3, v. a., and in pass. pū̆trĕfīo, factus, fieri (collat. form of the part. pass. putefactus, Prud. στεφ. 10, 1035) [putreo-facio].

I To make rotten , to cause to putrefy; and pass. , to become rotten , to putrefy : umor putrefacit deposita semina, Col. 3, 12, 1: stellionem in oleo, Plin. 29, 4, 28, § 90: ut spinarum semina putrefiant, Pall. 1, 33, 1; 10, 9: bove putrefacto, Varr. R. R. 2, 5, 5; Lucr. 2, 895: nudatum tectum patere imbribus putrefaciendum, Liv. 42, 3: putrefacta est spina, Ov. M. 15, 389.—

II To make friable , to soften : ardentia saxa infuso aceto putrefaciunt, Liv. 21, 37, 2.

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