
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

rĕ-pĕdo, āvi, 1, v. n. [pes],

to go or step back , to turn back , retreat , recoil (anteand post-class.): repedare, recedere, Fest. pp. 280 and 281 Müll.: redisse ac repedasse, Lucil. ap. Non. 165, 13: Romam, id. 165, 13: ad signa repedavit ocius miles, Amm. 24, 4, 30: nec amplius ausa repedavit ad sua, id. 17, 2, 4; Vulg. 1 Macc. 12, 37. — With homogeneous object: gradum a vestibulo, Pac. ap. Fest. p. 280 Müll. (but in Lucr. 6, 1280, the correct reading is trepidabat; v. Lachm. ad h. l.).