
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

rĕsulto, no perf., ātum, 1, v. freq. n. and a. [resilio], to spring or leap back, to rebound (poet. and in post-Aug. prose; only of inanimate or abstract subjects).

I Lit.: (corpora) conflicta resultant, etc., Lucr. 2, 98 and 101: tela irrita galeā clipeoque, Verg. A. 10, 330: aqua objectu lapillorum, Quint. 12, 2, 11; cf.: unda scissa, Petr. poët. Sat. 89, 2, 31: illisum caput scopulis resultat, Sen. Hippol. 1064.— Of animals: resultabunt canes ululantibus lupis, Amm. 31, 1, 2.—

B In partic., of sound, to reverberate , resound , re-echo : ubi concava pulsu Saxa sonant vocisque offensa resultat imago, Verg. G. 4, 50: inimica est (apibus) echo resultanti sono, Plin. 11, 19, 21, § 65: murmur in duris, id. 2, 80, 82, § 193. —

2 Transf., of places or things that return a sound, to resound , re-echo , reverberate , ring , etc.: pulsati colles clamore resultant, Verg. A. 5, 150: colles, id. ib. 8, 305: saltus, Tac. A. 1, 65: juga longa, Stat. Th. 2, 714: tecta vocibus, Plin. Pan. 73: aera percussis incudibus, Mart. 9, 69, 5: parma pulsu umbonum, Claud. VI. Cons. Hon. 629: resultantibus armis et tubis, Amm. 20, 11, 21: resultantibus lituis, id. 19, 6, 10.—With a homogeneous object: sonum (saxa), Ap. Met. 5, 7, 5; Calp. Ecl. 4, 5.—

II Trop., of pronunciation, etc., to leap , hop : (verba) ne brevium (syllabarum) contexu resultent, produce a jumping or jerking effect , Quint. 9, 4, 66: praeceps ac resultans (in oratione, opp. tardum et segne), id. 9, 4, 83; cf. id. 11, 3, 183; 12, 10, 73: ut barbara nomina Graecis versibus non resultent, i. e. are unfit for , unsuiled to , Plin. Ep. 8, 4, 3.

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    resultō —, ātus, āre, freq.resilio, to spring back, rebound : tela galeā resultant, V.— To reverbe...

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