
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

rētĭcŭlum, i, n. (collat. form rētĭ-cŭlus, i, m., Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 13; Fenest. ap. Non. 221, 33; Petr. 67, 6; Plin. 12, 14, 32, § 59; also rētĭācŭlum, i, Vulg. Exod. 38, 5 et saep.), dim. [rete],

a little net , a cloth made like a net , a net-work bag for carrying or keeping any thing in, a reticule , Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 11, § 27; Hor. S. 1, 1, 47; Juv. 12, 60; a fishing-net : venari reticulo in medio mari, Plaut. As. 1, 1, 87; a strainer , colander , Sen. Q. N. 7, 19, 1; a net used in playing ball , Ov. A. A. 3, 361; a net-work cap for confining the hair, worn by women and effeminate men, Varr. L. L. 5, § 130 Müll.; id. ap. Non. 542, 12; Quadrig. ap. Non. 222, 2; Petr. 67, 6; Capitol. Max. Jun. 1 fin. ; Fest. p. 286 Müll.; Juv. 2, 96; Lampr. Heliog. 11 fin. ; for covering the mouth, Plin. 12, 14, 32, § 59; net-work , Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 13; for the covering of a vessel : amphora ex reticulo suspensa, Dig. 9, 3, 15, § 12: aeneum, brass lattice-work , acc. to Fest. p. 348 Müll.—In form retiaculum, Vulg. Exod. 38, 5; 39, 39; id. 3, Reg. 7, 17 al.; the caul or omentum covering the intestines , id. Exod. 29, 13 al.

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