
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

scŏbis (collat. form scobs, only acc. to Prisc. p. 751 P.; but scobis is found in Cels. 5, 5; 8, 2; Col. 4, 29, 15; 7, 10, 4; cf. scrobis init.), is, f. (m., Vitr. 8, 3; Pall. Febr. 17, 6) [scabo],

powder or dust produced by sawing , rasping , etc.; sawdust , scrapings , filings , etc., Cels. 1. 1.; Col. 1. 1.; Hor. S. 2, 4, 81; Plin. 34, 11, 26, § 111; Juv. 14, 67 al.: citreus, i. e. grated lemon-peel , Vitr. 8, 3, 8: cutis, scurf , etc., Plin. 30, 4, 10, § 28.

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