
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

sējŭgis, is, m. (sc. currus) [sex-jugum],

a team of six horses , a chariot drawn by six horses : (VICI) SEIVGE (EQVO), Inscr. Orell. 2593; 6179.—The same more freq. and class. in the plur.: sejuges aurati, Liv. 38, 35; so, sejuges, Plin. 34, 5, 10, § 19.—As adj.: sejuges currus, drawn by six horses , Ap. Flor. p. 356.—Collat. form sējŭgae , ārum, f. (in analogy with bigae, quadrigae, etc.), a chariot and six , Isid. Orig. 13, 36, 1 and 2.