
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

sententĭālis, e, adj. [sententia], = Gr. γνωμικός,

in the form of a sentence , sententious , Cassiod. Rhet. 13, p. 499, 22; Isid. 2, 9, 11.—Hence, adv.: sententĭālĭter , in the form of maxims or axioms , sententiously (post-class.): et alia plurima, quae sententialiter proferuntur: nec haec apud Vergilium frustra desideraveris (Ecl. 8, 63): Non omnia possumus omnes, etc., Macr. S. 5, 16; so Tert. Carn. Chr. 18 med.