
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

sīpărĭum, ii, n. [kindr. with supparum, from σίπαρος, orig. a little sail; hence, transf.],

I The smaller curtain in a theatre (drawn up between the scenes of a comedy; cf. aulaeum, the main curtain): aulaeo subducto et complicitis sipariis, scena disponitur, Ap. Met. 10, 29, 30; 1, 8, 16; post siparium, i. e. behind the scenes , Cic. Prov. Cons. 6, 14; Juv. 8, 186.—

2 Meton., comedy (opp. cothurnus, tragedy): (verba) cothurno, non tantum sipario fortiora, Sen. Tranq. 11, 6.—

II A curtain or screen over the judges’ seats to keep off the sun, Quint. 6, 1, 32 Spald.; 6, 3, 72.

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    An Elementary Latin Dictionary