
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

subtēmen (subtegmen), ĭnis, n. [contr. from subteximen, subtecmen, from sub-texo],

I that which is wrought or woven in , the woof , weft of a web: inseritur medium radiis subtemen acutis, etc., Ov. M. 6, 56; Varr. L. L. 5, § 113 Müll.; Verg. A. 3, 483; Vitr. 10, 1 med. ; Plin. 11, 24, 28, § 81; 13, 12, 24, § 79.—

II Meton. (pars pro toto), any thing spun , thread , yarn (rare, and mostly poet.): subtemen tenue nere, Plaut. Merc. 3, 1, 20: nere, Ter. Heaut. 293; Front. Nep. Am. 2 med. : Tyrium, Tib. 3, 7, 121; Stat. Th. 7, 656: picto bracae, Val. Fl. 6, 227: croceo vestes, id. 8, 234.—Of the threads of the Fates: unde tibi reditum certo subtemine Parcae Rupere, Hor. Epod. 13, 15: ducere subtemina, Cat. 64, 328: rubrum, Claud. Rapt. Pros. 1, 260: auratum, Nemes. Cyg. 91.

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