
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

sūcōsus (succ-), a, um, adj. [sucus], full of juice or moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent.

I Lit. (post-Aug.): poma, Cels. 2, 18: solum, Col. 2, 16, 3: resina, Plin. 24, 6, 22, § 33: radix, id. 25, 9, 70, § 117: folia, id. 25, 13, 102, § 161: vinum, id. 14, 6, 8, § 68: lana, i. e. sucida, Ser. Samm. 60, 1054.— Comp. : liber (stirpium), Col. 4, 29, 1.—*

II Transf., rich in money, Petr. 38, 6.