
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

tībĭālis, e, adj. [tibia].

I Of or belonging to the shin-bone or tibia , tibial; hence, subst.: tībĭāle , is, n., a warm wrappage about the shins , a kind of stockings or leggings : hieme feminalibus et tibialibus muniebatur, Suet. Aug. 82: si miles tibiale vel umerale alienavit, Dig. 49, 16, 14, § 1.—

II Of or belonging to the flute , flute- : harundo tibialis calami, used for flutes , Plin. 16, 36, 66, § 168: tibialis aura gemit, Sid. Ep. 9, 13 in carm. 2 med.