
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

tormĭna, um, n. (masc. collat. form tormĭnes, acc. to Non. 32, 11) [torqueo], a griping of the bowels, the gripes, colic.

I Lit.: proxima his, inter intestinorum mala, tormina esse consueverunt: δυσεντερία Graece vocatur, etc., Cels. 4, 15; cf. Cato R. R. 156, 5; 157, 9; Cic. Tusc. 2, 19, 45; Col. 6, 7, 1; Plin. 22, 25, 72, § 148; 26, 8, 47, § 74; 29, 5, 33, § 103 al.—

II Transf.: tormina urinae, strangury , Plin. 20, 8, 30, § 74; 30, 15, 50, § 144.

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