
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

trans-mī̆gro, āvi, 1, v. n., to remove from one place to another, to migrate, transmigrate (not ante - Aug., and very rare).

I Lit.: urbem quaesituri sumus, quo transmigremus, Liv. 5, 54, 1: Veios, id. 5, 53, 2: e Carinis Esquilias in hortos Maecenatianos transmigravit, Suet. Tib. 15.—

B Transf., of plants, to be removed , transplanted : arbor, Plin. 16, 32, 59, § 136. —

II (In late Lat.) Act. in pass. , to be removed , colonized , Fulg. Myth. 3, 10: qui transmigrati habitaverunt in Samariā, Isid. 9, 2, 54.

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