
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

trĕmĕbundus (trĕmĭb-), a, um, adj. [tremo],

I trembling , quivering , shaking (mostly poet.): (Iphigenia) tremibunda ad aras Deducta est, Lucr. 1, 95: tremebunda manu tangere, Cic. Dom. 52, 134; cf.: Caius a primā tremebundus luce, trembling with fear , Mart. 9, 93, 5: membra, Ov. M. 4, 133: leo, Claud. ap. Eutr. 2, 440: tremebundā voce, Auct. Her 3, 14, 25.— Comp. : (cucumis) effetae tremebundior ubere porcae, i.e. more flabby , softer , Col. poët. 10, 396. —

II Transf.: cornus (i.e. hasta), Sil. 10, 119: tela, id. 5, 628: oratio, Nazar. Pan. Const. 2.

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