
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

trīclīnĭāris, e, adj. [triclinium], of or belonging to an eating - couch or diningroom.

I Adj. : gradus, Varr. L. L. 8, § 32 Müll.: apothecae, id. ap. Non. 545, 4: mappae, id. L. L. 9, § 47 Müll.: lecti, Plin. 37, 2, 6, § 14: vestimenta, Dig. 33, 5, 20. —

II Subst.: trīclīnĭārĭa , ĭum, n.

A An eating-room , dining-room , supper-room , Varr. R. R. 1, 13, 7.—

B Tapestry or covering for table-couches , Plin. 8, 48, 74, § 196; 9, 39, 63, § 137.