
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

vīmĭnālis, e, adj. [vimen], of or belonging to osiers.

I In gen.: salix, bearing twigs for plaiting , Col. 4, 30, 2; Plin. 17, 20, 32, § 143.—

II Adj. propr. : Viminalis Collis, one of the seven hills of Rome ( Liv. 1, 44), so named from a willow-copse which stood there; whence, also, the Jupiter there worshipped was called Vīmĭnĭus , Varr. L. L. 5, § 51 Müll.; Front. Aquaed. 1, 19; Plin. 17, 1, 1, § 2; Fest. p. 376 Müll.—The gate leading to it was called Viminalis Porta, Fest. l. l.; Front. Aquaed. 1, 19.

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