- Storer, Thomas
- Story, William Wetmore
- Stow, John
- Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher
- Strickland, Agnes
- Strode, William
- Strype, John
- Stuart, Gilbert
- Stubbs, William
- Stukeley, William
- Suckling, Sir John
- Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of
- Surtees, Robert Smith
- Swift, Jonathan
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles
- Sylvester, Joshua
- Symonds, John Addington
- Synge, John Millington
- Tabley de, John Byron Leicester Warren, 3rd Lord
- Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon
- Tannahill, Robert
- Tate, Nahum
- Tatham, John
- Tautphoeus, Baroness (Montgomery)
- Taylor, Bayard
- Taylor, Sir Henry
- Taylor, Isaac
- Taylor, Jeremy
- Taylor, John
- Taylor, Philip Meadows
- Taylor, Thomas
- Taylor, Tom
- Taylor, William
- Temple, Sir William
- Tennant, William
- Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Lord
- Tennyson, Frederick
- Tennyson Turner, Charles
- Thackeray, William Makepeace
- Theobald, Lewis
- Thirwall, Connop
- Thoms, William John
- Thomson, James
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Tickell, Thomas
- Ticknor, George
- Tighe, Mary (Blackford)
- Tillotson, John
- Timrod, Henry
- Tobin, John
- Toland, John
- Tooke, John Horne
- Toplady, Augustus Montague
- Tourneur, or Turner, Cyril
- Traherne, Thomas
- Trelawny, Edward John
- Trench, Richard Chenevix
- Trevisa, John of
- Trollope, Anthony
- Trollope, Mrs. Frances (Milton)
- Trumbull, John
- Tucker, Abraham
- Tucker, George
- Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly
- Tuckerman, Henry Theodore
- Tulloch, John
- Tupper, Martin Farquhar
- Turberville, or Turbervile, George
- Turner, Sharon
- Tusser, Thomas
- Tyndale, William
- Tyndall, John
- Tytler, Alexander Fraser
- Tytler, Patrick Fraser
- Tytler, William
- Udall, Nicolas
- Underdown, Thomas
- Underwood, Francis Henry
- Urquhart, Sir Thomas
- Usk, Thomas
- Ussher, James
- Vanbrugh, Sir John
- Vaughan, Henry
- Vaughan, Robert
- Veitch, John
- Very, Jones
- Wace
- Wade, Thomas
- Wakefield, Gilbert
- Wallace, Lewis
- Waller, Edmund
- Waller, John Francis
- Walpole, Horatio or Horace
- Walpole, Sir Spencer
- Walton, Izaak
- Warburton, Bartholomew Eliot George
- Warburton, William
- "Ward, Artemus"
- Ward, Robert Plumer
- Ward, William George