- Savage, Richard
- Savile, Sir Henry
- Saxby, Edward
- Scott, Alexander
- Scott, Hugh Stowell
- Scott, John
- Scott, Lady John (Alicia Ann Spottiswoode)
- Scott, Michael
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Scott, William Bell
- Sedley, Sir Charles
- Seeley, Sir John Robert
- Selden, John
- Sellar, William Young
- Sempill, Francis
- Sempill, Robert
- Senior, Nassau William
- Settle, Elkanah
- Shadwell, Thomas
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of
- Shairp, John Campbell
- Shakespeare, William
- Sharp, William ("Fiona MacLeod")
- Shaw, Henry Wheeler ("Josh Billings")
- Shelley, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin)
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- Shenstone, William
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
- Sherlock, William
- Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Martha (Butt)
- Shirley, James
- Shorthouse, Joseph Henry
- Sibbes, Richard
- Sidney, or Sydney, Algernon
- Sidney, Sir Philip
- Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia (Huntley)
- Simms, William Gilmore
- Skelton, John
- Skelton, Sir John
- Skene, William Forbes
- Skinner, John
- Skipsey, Joseph
- Smart, Christopher
- Smedley, Frank
- Smiles, Samuel
- Smith, Adam
- Smith, Albert
- Smith, Alexander
- Smith, Mrs. Charlotte (Turner)
- Smith, James
- Smith, Horace
- Smith, Sydney
- Smith, Walter Chalmers
- Smith, Sir William
- Smith, William Robertson
- Smollett, Tobias George
- Somerville, Mrs. Mary (Fairfax)
- Somerville, William
- Sotheby, William
- South, Robert
- Southerne, Thomas
- Southey, Mrs. Caroline Anne (Bowles)
- Southey, Robert
- Southwell, Robert
- Spedding, James
- Speed, John
- Speke, J.H.
- Spelman, Sir Henry
- Spence, Joseph
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spencer, William Robert
- Spenser, Edmund
- Spottiswood, John
- Sprague, Charles
- Sprat, Thomas
- Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
- Stanhope, Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope
- Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
- Stanley, Sir Henry Morton
- Stanley, Thomas
- Stanyhurst, Richard
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence, L.H.D., LL.D.
- Steele, Sir Richard
- Steevens, George
- Steevens, George Warrington
- Stephen, Sir James
- Stephen, Sir Leslie
- Stephens, Thomas
- Sterling, John
- Sterne, Laurence
- Hopkins, John
- Sternhold, Thomas
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Stewart, Dugald
- Stillingfleet, Edward
- Stirling, James Hutchison
- Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of
- Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William
- Stockton, Francis Richard
- Stoddard, Richard Henry