- Percy, Thomas
- Philips, Ambrose
- Philips, John
- Phillips, Samuel
- Picken, Andrew
- Pierpont, John
- Pike, Albert
- Pindar, Peter
- Pinkerton, John
- Pinkney, Edward Coate
- Piozzi, Hester Lynch (Salusbury)
- Planché, James Robinson
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Pollok, Robert
- Pomfret, John
- Pope, Alexander
- Pordage, Samuel
- Porson, Richard
- Porter, Jane
- Porter, Anna Maria
- Powell, Frederick York
- Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
- Prescott, William Hickling
- Price, Richard
- Prideaux, Humphrey
- Priestly, Joseph
- Pringle, Thomas
- Prior, Matthew
- Procter, Adelaide Ann
- Procter, Bryan Waller ("Barry Cornwall")
- Prout, Father
- Prynne, William
- Psalmanazar, George
- Purchas, Samuel
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie
- Puttenham, George
- Pye, Henry James
- Quarles, Francis
- Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann (Ward)
- "Raine, Allen" (Mrs. Beynon Puddicombe)
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Ramée, Louise de la ("Ouida")
- Ramsay, Allan
- Ramsay, Edward Bannerman
- Randolph, Thomas
- Rapin de Thoyras, Paul
- Raspe, Rudolf Eric
- Rawlinson, George
- Rawlinson, Sir Henry Cresswicke
- Ray, John
- Read, Thomas Buchanan
- Reade, Charles
- Reed, Henry
- Reeve, Clara
- Reeve, Henry
- Reid, Mayne
- Reid, Thomas
- Reid, Sir Thomas Wemyss
- Reynolds, Sir Joshua
- Rhodes, William Barnes
- Rhymer, Thomas The
- Ricardo, David
- Rice, James
- Rich, Barnabe
- Richardson, Samuel
- Ritchie, Leitch
- Ritson, Joseph
- Robertson, Frederick William
- Robertson, Thomas William
- Robertson, William
- Robinson, Henry Crabb
- Rochester, John Wilmot (2nd Earl of)
- Rogers, Henry
- Rogers, Samuel
- Rolle, Richard
- Rollock, Robert
- Roper, William
- Roscoe, William
- Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of
- Rose, William Stewart
- Rossetti, Christina Georgina
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Rous, Francis
- Row, John
- Rowe, Nicholas
- Rowley, William
- Ruddiman, Thomas
- Ruskin, John
- Russell, Lord John, 1st Earl Russell
- Russell, William
- Russell, Sir William Howard
- Rutherford, Samuel
- Rycaut, or Ricaut, Sir Paul
- Rymer, Thomas
- St. John, H.
- Sala, George Augustus Henry
- Sale, George
- Sanderson, Robert
- Sands, Robert Charles
- Sandys, George