·noun ·see <<Chord>>.
II. Cord ·Impf & ·p.p. of <<Core>>.
III. Cord ·vt To arrange (wood, ·etc.) i...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Frequently used in its proper sense, for fastening a tent (Ex. 35:18; 39:40), yoking animals to a ca...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Small rope; that of an inch or less in circumference.
The Sailor's Word-Book
The materials of which cord was made varied according to the strength required; the strongest rope w...
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
·vi To take or get a supply of wood.
II. Wood ·noun Trees cut or sawed for the fire or other uses.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Easton's Bible Dictionary
In a wood; bewildered, in a maze, in a peck of troubles, puzzled, or at a loss what course to take i...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
to wood
To supply or get supplies of wood.--Webster. The boats on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, in their ...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Rip cord
·add. ·- A cord by which the gas bag of a balloon may be ripped open for a limited distance to relea...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Ripping cord
·add. ·- = Rip cord.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Ephraim, Wood of
A forest in which a fatal battle was fought between the army of David and that of Absalom, who was k...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
seame of wood
a horse-load. S.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
churd of wood
See cord of wood
The Sailor's Word-Book
wood and wood
When two pieces of timber are so let into each other as to join close. Also, when a tree-nail is dri...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Ephraim, The Wood Of
a wood, or rather a forest, on the east of Jordan, in which the fatal battle was fought between the ...
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Aloes wood
·- ·see <<Agalloch>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Amboyna wood
·- A beautiful mottled and curled wood, used in cabinetwork. It is obtained from the Pterocarpus Ind...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Bethabara wood
·- A highly elastic wood, used for fishing rods, ·etc. The tree is unknown, but it is thought to be ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Brazil wood
·- The wood of the oriental Caesalpinia Sapan;
— so called before the discovery of America.
II. Br...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Calamander wood
·- A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Campeachy Wood
·- <<Logwood>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Cassava wood
·add. ·- A West Indian tree (Turpinia occidentalis) of the family Staphyleaceae.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Cocus wood
·- A West Indian wood, used for making flutes and other musical instruments.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Gopher wood
·- A species of wood used in the construction of Noah's ark.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Kiabooca wood
·- ·see Kyaboca wood.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Kyaboca wood
·- Amboyna wood.
II. Kyaboca wood ·- Sandalwood (Santalum album).
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Lingoa wood
·- Amboyna wood.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Madeira wood
·add. ·- The mahogany tree (Swietenia Mahogoni).
II. Madeira wood ·add. ·- A West Indian leguminous...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Myall wood
·- A durable, fragrant, and dark-colored Australian wood, used by the natives for spears. It is obta...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Nicaragua wood
·- Brazil wood.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Omander wood
·- The wood of Diospyros ebenaster, a kind of ebony found in Ceylon.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Rosetta wood
·- An east Indian wood of a reddish orange color, handsomely veined with darker marks. It is occasio...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Sapan wood
·- A dyewood yielded by Caesalpinia Sappan, a thorny leguminous tree of Southern Asia and the neighb...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Sappan wood
·- Sapan wood.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Shittim wood
·noun The wood of the shittah tree.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Thyine wood
·- The fragrant and beautiful wood of a North African tree (Callitris quadrivalvis), formerly called...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Wood gum
·add. ·- <<Xylan>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Wood hyacinth
·add. ·- A European squill (Scilla nonscripta) having a scape bearing a raceme of drooping blue, pur...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Wood partridge
·add. ·- The Canada grouse.
II. Wood partridge ·add. ·- Any of several small partridges of Java, Su...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Wood tick
·- Any one of several species of ticks of the genus Ixodes whose young cling to bushes, but quickly ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Incumbered with tall, woody hedgerows.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A young oak, or other timber plant, laid down in a hedge among the whitethorn or other plants ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A wild or natural note, as of a forest bird.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A kind of froth seen on herbs.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun The time when there no sap in the trees; the winter season.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun ·Alt. of Wood-waxen.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun ·Alt. of Wood-waxen.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun ·same·as <<Woadwaxen>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Thyine wood
Mentioned only in Rev. 18:12 among the articles which would cease to be purchased when Babylon fell....
Easton's Bible Dictionary
(Neh. 10:34; 13:31). It would seem that in the time of Nehemiah arrangements were made, probably on ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Wood, or À Wood, Anthony
Antiquary, was b. at Oxf., where he was ed. and spent most of his life. His antiquarian...
Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature by John W. Cousin
Wood Street
North out of Cheapside, at No.122, to London Wall (P.O. Directory). In Farringdon Ward Within and Cr...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Wood Wharf
On the east and west sides of Trigg Lane, in Queenhithe Ward (O. and M. 1677, and Strype, 1720 and 1...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
wood pecker
A bystander, who bets whilst another plays.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
the timber of various Australiantrees, especially of the genus Casuarina, and some ofthe Banksia...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
or Blood-tree
a nameapplied, with various epithets, to many of the Gum-trees (q.v.), especially...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
a New Zealand wood, Olealanceolata, Hook., N.O. Jasminea (Maori name, Maire). Used by the `Welli...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
an Australian timber; the woodof Callitris (Frenea) robusta, Cunn., N.O. Coniferae. Called also ...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
n. the timber of an Australiantree, Alphitonia excelsa, Reiss, N.O. Rhamneae.The wood becomes dark w...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
the timber of an Australiantree, Bedfordia salicina, De C., N.O. Compositae.Called Dog-wood (q.v...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
an Australian timber, Siphonodon australe, Benth., N.O. Celastrinae.
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
i.q. pinkwood (q.v.).
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
one of the names given bysettlers to the New Zealand tree called by Maoris Tarata (q.v.), or Map...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
name applied to awhitish-coloured mottled timber, Olea paniculata,R. Br., N.O. Jasmineae; called...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
a Northern Territory namefor Melaleuca leucadendron, Linn.; called also Paperbark-tree (q.v.).
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
See musk-tree.
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
another name for the Cabbage-Palm (q.v.).
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
a Tasmanian evergreen shrub, Alyxiabuxifolia, R. Br., N.O. Apocyneae, of the dogbanefamily.
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
another name for one of the Stringy-barks (q.v.), Eucalyptus microcorys,F. v. M., N.O. Myrtaceae...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
name given by the Otago bushmen tothe tree Darrydium colensoi, Hook.; Maori name, Manoao (q.v.)....
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
The name is given,in Australia, to Aphnanthe philipinensis, Planch., N.O. Urticaceae, and to the...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
the timbers of the trees Akania hillii, J. Hook., N.O. Sapindaceae,and Dysoxylon Muelleri, Benth...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
white wood
See waddy wood
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
waddy wood
or White Wood
name given in Tasmania to the tree Pittosporum bicolor,Hook., N.O. Pittosporeae; ...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
a name given by the colonists ofNew South Wales and «Swan River» to the Maned Goose, Branta juba...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
wood savages
See wood natives
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
wood natives
or Wood Savages
obsolete names for the Australian aborigines.
1817. O'Hara, `History of New South ...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
a name applied to several Australiantrees with the epithets of Dark, Light, Deep, etc., inallusion t...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
black wood
Hemlock, pine, spruce, and fir.
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
button wood
(Platanus occidentalis.) The popular name in New England of the sycamore tree; so called from the ha...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
the roots of trees, stubbed up. S.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
Small wood mostly used for dunnage in stowing ships' cargoes, also for fuel, usually sold by the fat...
The Sailor's Word-Book
dead wood
Certain blocks of timber, generally oak, fayed on the upper side of the keel, particularly at the ex...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Slab and other offal of timber, sold at the yards, by fathom lots: cubic measurement.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A general name for the hawse-timbers.
The Sailor's Word-Book
The larger sticks from the head of an oak-tree when felled.
The Sailor's Word-Book
See poon-wood.
The Sailor's Word-Book
The Sailor's Word-Book
wood, to
A gun is said to wood when it takes the port-sills or port-sides, or the trucks the water-ways.
♦ ...
The Sailor's Word-Book
See hood-ends.
The Sailor's Word-Book
Large thick hose worn by the men in coasters and fishing-boats.
The Sailor's Word-Book
All plank applied to strengthen a vessel. (See double, to.)
The Sailor's Word-Book
Thyine Wood
occurs in (Revelation 18:12) where the margin has "sweet" (wood). There can be little doubt that the...
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
(abbreviation) Old French
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·prep During; in the course of.
II. Of ·prep Denoting passage from one state to another; from.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
An action of the organs of sense may be either involuntary or voluntary. Accordingly we say to hear,...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
wood-locks of the rudder
Pieces of timber sheathed with copper, in coppered ships, placed in the throating or scores of the s...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Sea wood louse
·- A sea slater.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Wood, Mrs. Ellen (Price)
Novelist, writing as "Mrs. Henry Wood," was b. at Worcester. She wrote over 30 novels, ...
Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature by John W. Cousin
Wood, John George
Writer on natural history, s. of a surgeon, b. in London, and ed. at home and at Oxf., ...
Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature by John W. Cousin
Alban (St.), Wood Street
On the east side of Wood Street, at the corner of Little Love Lane (P.O. Directory). In Cripplegate ...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Great Wood Street
See Wood Street.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Little Wood Street
See Wood Street.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Michael Wood Street
On the west side of Wood Street, and north side of Huggin Lane. In Cripplegate Ward Within (O.S. 188...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Red Wood Alley
West out of Bishopsgate Street. In Bishopsgate Ward Without (Rocque, 1746-Boyle, 1799).
Called " Ge...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Wood Green Court
South-east out of Harrow Alley, Middlesex Street. In Portsoken Ward (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 27-O.S...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Wood Street Compter
On the east side of Wood Street, in Cripplegate Ward Within.
One of the Sheriffs' Prisons.
First m...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Wood Street Square
West out of Hart Street at No.3 at its junction with Monkwell Street, in Farringdon Ward Within (P.O...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
king's wood lion
An Ass. Kingswood is famous for the great number of asses kept by the colliers who inhabit that plac...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
botany-bay wood
See botany-bay oak
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
dead-wood fence
The Australian fence, socalled, is very different from the fence of the same name inEngland. It ...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
deep yellow-wood
Rhus rhodanthema,F. v. M., N.O. Anacardiaceae. A tree with spreading head;timber valuable. See Y...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
light yellow-wood
i.q. long-jack (q.v.).
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
dead-wood knees
The upper foremost and aftermost pieces of dead wood; being crooked pieces of timber, the bolting of...
The Sailor's Word-Book
·adj New; unprecedented; unparalleled.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
kind of
In a manner, as it were. A sort of qualifying expression; as, 'She made game on it kind o'.'--Forby....
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
rising of
More than; upwards of; as, There were rising of a thousand men killed at the battle of Buena Vista.'...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
Bishops of London, Palace of
On the north-west side of St. Paul's Church (S. 373).
Mentioned by Ralph de Diceto in his Opera His...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
receivers of droits of admiralty
Now termed receivers of wreck (which see).
The Sailor's Word-Book
Castle Inn, Wood Street
On the east side of Wood Street at No. 26, in Cripplegate Ward Within, a few doors north of Gresham ...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Gold Street, Wood Street
See Goldsmith Street.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Huggin Lane, Wood Street
West out of Wood Street, at 115, to Gutter Lane (P.O. Directory). In Cripplegate Ward Within.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Passage to Wood Street
See Little Love Lane.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Wood and Co.'s Wharf
On the Thames at the south end of William Street, west of Chatham Place (Horwood, 1799).
Former nam...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Wood Yard, Church Lane
At the north-east end of Church Lane. In Portsoken Ward (Strype, ed. 1720-Lond. Guide, 1753).
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Wood Yard, Gravel Lane
North-west out of Gravel Lane. In Portsoken Ward (Rocque, 1746-Lond. Guide, 1755).
Site now covered...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
babes in the wood
Criminals in the stocks, or pillory.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
Beeroth of the children of Jaakan
(Deut. 10:6). The same as Bene-jaakan (Num. 33:31).
Easton's Bible Dictionary
captain of a ship of war
Is the commanding officer; as well the post-captain (a title now disused) as those whose proper titl...
The Sailor's Word-Book
chamber of a piece of ordnance
The end of the bore modified to receive the charge of powder. In mortars, howitzers, and shell-guns,...
The Sailor's Word-Book
gunner, of a ship of war
A warrant-officer appointed to take charge of the ammunition and artillery on board; to keep the lat...
The Sailor's Word-Book
master of a ship-of-war
An officer appointed by the commissioners of the navy to attend to the navigating a ship under the d...
The Sailor's Word-Book
muzzle of a piece of ordnance
The forward extremity of the cylinder, and the metal which surrounds it, extending back to the neck,...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Beeroth Of The Children Of Jaakan
the wells of the tribe of Bene-Jaakan, which formed one of the halting-places of the Israelites in t...
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Rabbath Of The Children Of Ammon
and Rabbath of the Ammonites, [See RABBATH]
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Wisdom Of Jesus, Son Of Sirach
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Angle of entry
·add. ·- The angle between the tangent to the advancing edge (of an aerocurve) and the line of motio...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Angle of incidence
·add. ·- The angle between the chord of an aerocurve and the relative direction of the undisturbed a...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Bird of paradise
·- The name of several very beautiful birds of the genus Paradisea and allied genera, inhabiting New...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Concert of Europe
·add. ·- ·Alt. of European concert.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Corps of Engineers
·add. ·- In the United States navy, a corps made up of the engineers, which was amalgamated with the...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A silly, pert girl;
— corresponding to jackanapes.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·add. ·adj Having the general shape or outline of a leg of mutton; as, a leg-of-mutton, or shoulder-...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Adhering to facts; not turning aside from absolute realities; not fanciful or imaginative; comm...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·pl of <<Manofwar>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun The hard pearly internal layer of several kinds of shells, ·esp. of pearl oysters, river musse...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun An aromatic plant (Thymus Serphyllum);
— called also wild thyme.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Being out of the house; being, or done, in the open air; outdoor; as, out-of-door exercise. ·se...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Volunteers of America
·add. ·- A religious and philanthropic organization, similar to the Salvation Army, founded (1896) b...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Wheel of fortune
·add. ·- A gambling or lottery device consisting of a wheel which is spun horizontally, articles or ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Ancient of Days
An expression applied to Jehovah three times in the vision of Daniel (7:9, 13, 22) in the sense of e...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Atonement, Day of
The great annual day of humiliation and expiation for the sins of the nation, "the fast" (Acts 27:9)...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Avenger of blood
(Heb. goel, from verb gaal, "to be near of kin," "to redeem"), the nearest relative of a murdered pe...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Baale of Judah
Lords of Judah, a city in the tribe of Judah from which David brought the ark into Jerusalem (2 Sam....
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Babel, tower of
The name given to the tower which the primitive fathers of our race built in the land of Shinar afte...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Babylon, kingdom of
Called "the land of the Chaldeans" (Jer. 24:5; Ezek, 12:13), was an extensive province in Central As...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Baca, Valley of
(Ps. 84:6; R.V., "valley of weeping," marg., "or balsam trees"), probably a valley in some part of P...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Baptism of Christ
Christ had to be formally inaugurated into the public discharge of his offices. For this purpose he ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Bashan, Hill of
(Ps. 68:15), probably another name for Hermon, which lies to the north of Bashan.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Changes of raiment
Were reckoned among the treasures of rich men (Gen. 45:22; Judg. 14:12, 13; 2 Kings 5:22, 23).
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Chiefs of Asia
"Asiarchs," the title given to certain wealthy persons annually appointed to preside over the religi...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Chronicles, Books of
The two books were originally one. They bore the title in the Massoretic Hebrew Dibre hayyamim, i.e....
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Coat of mail
The rendering of a Hebrew word meaning "glittering" (1 Sam. 17:5, 38). The same word in the plural f...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Coming of Christ
(1) with reference to his first advent "in the fulness of the time" (1 John 5:20; 2 John 1:7), or (2...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Consolation of Israel
A name for the Messiah in common use among the Jews, probably suggested by Isa. 12:1; 49:13. The Gre...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Crown of thorns
Our Lord was crowned with a, in mockery by the Romans (Matt. 27:29). The object of Pilate's guard in...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Daniel, Book of
Is ranked by the Jews in that division of their Bible called the Hagiographa (Heb. Khethubim). (See ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
David, City of
1) David took from the Jebusites the fortress of Mount Zion. He "dwelt in the fort, and called it th...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Decision, Valley of
A name given to the valley of Jehoshaphat (q.v.) as the vale of the sentence. The scene of Jehovah's...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Decrees of God
"The decrees of God are his eternal, unchangeable, holy, wise, and sovereign purpose, comprehending ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Degrees, Song of
Song of steps, a title given to each of these fifteen psalms, 120-134 inclusive. The probable origin...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Desolation, Abomination of
(Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14; comp. Luke 21:20), is interpreted of the eagles, the standards of the Roma...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Destruction, City of
(Isa. 19:18; Heb. Ir-ha-Heres, "city of overthrow," because of the evidence it would present of the ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Drawer of water
(Deut. 29:11; Josh. 9:21, 23), a servile employment to which the Gibeonites were condemned.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Ephraim, Gate of
One of the gates of Jerusalem (2 Kings 14:13; 2 Chr. 25:23), on the side of the city looking toward ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Esther, Book of
The authorship of this book is unknown. It must have been obviously written after the death of Ahasu...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Exodus, Book of
Exodus is the name given in the LXX. to the second book of the Pentateuch (q.v.). It means "departur...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Ezekiel, Book of
Consists mainly of three groups of prophecies. After an account of his call to the prophetical offic...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Ezra, Book of
This book is the record of events occurring at the close of the Babylonian exile. It was at one time...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Fall of man
An expression probably borrowed from the Apocryphal Book of Wisdom, to express the fact of the revol...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Flame of fire
Is the chosen symbol of the holiness of God (Ex. 3:2; Rev. 2:18), as indicating "the intense, all-co...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Foreknowledge of God
Acts 2:23; Rom. 8:29; 11:2; 1 Pet. 1:2), one of those high attributes essentially appertaining to hi...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Forgiveness of sin
One of the constituent parts of justification. In pardoning sin, God absolves the sinner from the co...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Galilee, Sea of
(Matt. 4:18; 15:29), is mentioned in the Bible under three other names.
1) In the Old Testament it ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Gibeah of Judah
(Josh. 15:57), a city in the mountains of Judah, the modern Jeba, on a hill in the Wady Musurr, abou...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Gibeah of Phinehas
(Josh. 15:57, R.V. marg.), a city on Mount Ephraim which had been given to Phinehas (24:33 "hill," A...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Gilead, Balm of
The region of Gilead abounded in spices and aromatic gums, which were exported to Egypt and Tyre (Ge...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Goodness of God
A perfection of his character which he exercises towards his creatures according to their various ci...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Government of God
See Providence.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Grace, means of
An expression not used in Scripture, but employed (1) to denote those institutions ordained by God t...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Habakkuk, Prophecies of
Were probably written about B.C. 650-627, or, as some think, a few years later. This book consists o...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Mount of beatitudes
See Sermon on the mount.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Mount of corruption
(2 Kings 23:13; Vulg., "mount of offence"), the name given to a part of the Mount of Olives, so call...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Nahum, Book of
Nahum prophesied, according to some, in the beginning of the reign of Ahaz (B.C. 743). Others, howev...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Naphtali, Tribe of
On this tribe Jacob pronounced the patriarchal blessing, "Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth go...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Nativity of Christ
The birth of our Lord took place at the time and place predicted by the prophets (Gen. 49:10; Isa. 7...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Nehemiah, Book of
The author of this book was no doubt Nehemiah himself. There are portions of the book written in the...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Nimrim, Waters of
The stream of the leopards, a stream in Moab (Isa. 15:6; Jer. 48:34); probably the modern Wady en-Ne...
Easton's Bible Dictionary